Reading and barcode GS1-128 analysis with detailed content information
This tool can scan all sorts of types of barcode.It provides detailed control especially industrial codes like GS1-128It lets you special view codes in color (FNC1, CODE_C, ...) and to quickly locate a coding error or optimization.Ideal for industrial labeling control because a coding error can compromise the traceability of a product.The result is rapid with details of informations.Each GS1 tag content in the code is clearly displayed.A green or red flag informe of respect for GS1-128 structure. On error situation, a detail is displayed. It also controls the checksum of a GTIN or SSCC number.After reading, the code can be transmitted directly via Ethernet to a computer system like a hand barcode reader.Based on ZXing Barcode Scanner.Demo fully functional only with 1 ads.Add support for GS1 on 2D code like datamatrix or QRcode